Thursday, May 7, 2009

Birds of the same flock will always fly together

Yes. I totally agree with that phrase. At first, I couldn’t think of a proper phrase to name those idiotic people. After a couple of thoughts, I saw my friend’s personal message on msn. Then, I’m happy and grateful as I have found the suitable phrase for these people.  People with the same attitude will definitely fly together. Well, people like them tend to look up on themselves. They feel and think that they are way better you are. FYI, you are such an EGOISTIC person & also a SORE LOSER. Besides that, people like them always brag about their life. Do you think I’m interested about your stories????? At times, it is nice to know, but not all the time though. By listening to your “stories”, it definitely helped me to know where my boundaries are. Plus, it’s a lesson for me not to be like YOU. I thought that you will be a much better person once you are working. But HELL NO. You are still the same old person that I knew. I guess it’s stuck in you for the rest of your life. The EGOISTIC person. Well, I’m glad I know you. Therefore, I’m aware that there are such egoistic people in this world. So, thank god I know you. Then, I will not be as naïve as to believe that you are such a great friend. You don’t have to tell the WORLD that you have this and that in your life. Just because you think you have been working hard, doesn’t mean you have succeeded in your life. There’s still a long way to go for us as we are still young. In life, you don’t have to brag about your life to be famous. You will be famous when people talks about you. So, STOP BRAGGING & get a Life. 

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