Wednesday, September 30, 2009

E.A.R.T.H.Q.U.A.K.E !!!!!!

Omg, i just read the news that earthquake had hit Sumatra again, but it wasn't as bad as what happened back in 2004, if i'm not mistaken. During 2004, i didn't felt a single thing when Penang was hit with tsunami badly.. At that particular moment, i was still sleeping.. Hhehehe..
But i felt that just now.. My head was shaking quite bad.. I thought that i was facing dizziness due to the dieting... Thought that i did not have enough of sugar in my bloodstream.. So, i never thought of earthquake had strike again.. Besides, i was busy doing my assignment... =p
Then, people start to post comments on Facebook.. And i thought they are just joking... Then read it from the news.. got shocked out of it.. Sigh, the worst part of all.. i'm staying in an apartment.. which is quite risky.. Hope & pray that this incident will not occur again..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Funny Thing about Men!!!!

A friend of mine seent an email to me about men.. When i read it, i was bursting into loud laughs till my sis scolded me..because it was late at night.. hehehe.. anyway, thought of sharing it to you guys.. have some laugh on men.. hehehe..

P/s: to the guys, i'm sorry.. but it is sooo true...

For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here's an update for you: Nowadays, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.. Men are like....

1. Men are like Laxatives . They irritate the crap out of you.

2. Men are like Bananas . The older they get, the less firm they are.

3. Men are like Weather. Nothing can be done to change them.

4. Men are like Blenders. You need One, but you're not quite sure why.

5. Men are like Chocolate Bars .. Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.

6. Men are like Commercials . You can't believe a word they say.

7. Men are like Department Stores ... Their clothes are always 1/2 off!

8. Men are like Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature.

9. Men are like ... Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion.

10. Men are like Popcorn . They satisfy you, but only for a little while.

11. Men are like Snowstorms . You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last..

12. Men are like Lava Lamps . Fun to look at, but not very bright.

13. Men are like Parking Spots. All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Have you ever wonder or pop this question about when will you be slapped with huge sum of money & being succesful enough??? Well, i had a week break due to the Malay New Year celebration.. Well, it was suppose to get my arse & head starts to hunt for successful management articles for Comm & Org 2nd assignment.. Plus my Portfolio which i was suppose to submit some draft to Ms. Adeline for her to check on.. Due to my laziness & carefree life right now, i have no doubts that i will be working my arse off to finish everything when i'm back to the hectic life... Sad to say, it's tommorow... Heads UP & Minds Up Cheezz as you will be slapped with tonnes of works......
Anyway, back to the topic... As the holidays are turning to an end, my attention was diverted to some books that was landed on top of my sister's bed.. Well, it turns out to be Lim Goh Tong's story on how he managed to pull through by building an empire in range of hotels, cruises, plantations & so forth.. I dint knew that he had wrote a book about his success.. Anyway, my sis wasnt a fan of reading, but was forced to by her bf.. Hehehe.. Well, it turns out to be me as well.. I dont really like reading till i fell in love with harry potter... which was highly influence by Mabel, who is a close friend of mine.. After reading Harry Potter, i was diversified to romance novels... Who doesnt love reading Romance Novel anyway??? It could be due to the gender where females tend to be soft & love to read those lovey dovey stuff..
Sigh, why do i always get diverted soo easily??? Anyway, Lim Goh Tong's, who is the father of Genting.. Just in case those peepz out there doesnt know who the heck is he.. His experience amazed me with tonnes of quotations & other valuable examples to be a successful.. In fact, i was hooked to his book all the time.. He made me realized that every dream that you dreamt of will turn to be successful if you put your heart & soul to it.. The determination as well does plays a very important roles in the process of unleashing the plans..
I was poped with a question after finishing the entire book.. Will I be successful as him???? Hmm, i have yet to know whether will i be like him.. since i'm not working yet..
To cut things short, to Malaysian citizen... if you want to know his experiences & ways of dealing with business with a gist of it, hit the bookstore to take a look at it.. It's worthwhile to divert yourself from the romance or other novels that you are currently reading..
In directly, i needed to expand my scope of reading too..Heheheh..

Stupidest thing i have ever heard...

Peepsssssss... What do you normally drink when you are thirsty???? You will probably take a big gulp of ice water or any cold drinks.. Have you ever heard about downing a can of beer... Well, to the westerner, it is normal to drink beer as beer is sooo much cheaper compare to water.. What about the Asian????? Guess what???? I got this crazy sister of mine.. took beer instead of plain water..

According to her, she wanted to try out how does it feels like to drink beer ever since the last experience with beer was years back. We went on a cruise during my parents 25th anniversary which was years back & me couldnt remember which year it was.. Anyway, we were happily singing in the karaoke lounge & daddy ordered beer.. But my younger sis wanted to be a super woman.. Wanted to try the beer.. So, dad decided to let her experience it with STRAW... hahaha.. After a few sip, she was off sleeping like a baby & caught herself with fever..

This time, she is much older then..I dint know that she was drinking a can of beer... So, she decided to down the entire can due to quench her thirst... After that, she was pactically awake.. Then we went to bed around 2 something.. she had a good night sleep till the next day..she was out till 2pm in the noon.. Just imagined that.. i woke her up because i had to go out with a friend of mine for lunch.. When i woke her up, her eyes was still off... Then, she told me she had a can of beer last night.. I was like bahahahahhahaha.. Couldnt help it..but laughed at her.. due to the her silliness..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Occasion

To my fans, if i had any...heheh.. i'm sorry for being M.I.A for quite sometime... Well, i wouldnt says that i'm pretty uptight with schedules, but a little lazy... Furthermore, tonnes of surprises had occured to me lately... Anyway, Surprises!!! Hmm.. Definitely a good one.. Of course, there's ups & downs in life...

So, Let's talked about the SURPRISES... Ok...First of all, throughout September, Mabel came over to stayed with me over the weekend.. This is the only month that we spent the most time together.. Hhaha... But, we are definitely straight k.. We do love guys.. She is like my sis, good friend, buddy or whatsoever you called it.. We are that close but aint lesbo.. Hehehe.. That's gonna be my 1st surprise...

As for the 2nd surpise, it's something got to do with personal life... hehe.. Finally, after long await... He managed to post some of his gf's pic on facebook.. Frankly speaking, it's only my curiorsity to know or see how hawt is his gf is... Since he mentioned his gf is pretty hottie.. Furthermore, i lost the battle.. So, the urge of me seeing her is quite high.. After seeing her pic, i was like...OK... At least, i walked away as a WINNER...hehe... It's not my lost anyway..

Well, 3rd surprise just happened recently... Attended my cousin wedding yesterday.. Something, that i dint expect... Something different.. The crowd & atmosphere... But, i had a good time.. Definitely... I was dragged up to stage by my cousin bro... to dance... haha.. Then my dad just dragged me up.. & yes, i danced with my dad in front of 5oo people...... What a huge crowd?? Omg.. i just couldnt believe what i did.. After the dance, here comes the comments.. Omg.. you can dance... or moves.. My aunt asked me... Wow, you are able to cha cha as well...Did you learned those moves from KL????? Hehehe... Now, everyone has that neagtive perception about living in kl... Sigh...

As i feel, you could control the way you want too.. Because everything is within ur limit.. So, living in KL gave me a better exposure.. At least, i'm able to talk & handle the crowd better compare to my younger days.. The most important, CONFIDENCE.. You must not lost that... It's the only thing that keep you going or fighting..

Anyway, here it goes.. Will post more posting in later days.. Adieus ppl..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's better to forgive than to hold grudges..

Recently, i just realized that it is actually quite true... about forgiving a person rather than holding grudges towards him or her.. It has been 3 months ever since we last contacted.. If you have followed the posting, you will probably realized that i have face a certain issue in relationship area... In order for me to forget, i tried numerous way, like hating him to the max, thinking of what he have done & stuff.. But up to my expectation, the memories of him just wont fade.
It's stuck in my mind... I tried to stay cool by telling myself that i'm soo over him.. for 3 conservative times.. At the end of the day, i failed.. I was back to square one.. Finally, i gave up & told myself that i wont deny the fact that i still miss him.. However, i would let it pass slowly..
Yesterday seems to be a furious day for me.. I was just browsing my facebook.. All of sudden, something caught my attention, it was him posting his status that he was feeling down & stuff like that.. I dont know why, at that particular moment, my heart was melting & i want to be there to listen to him.. So, i commented & he replied.. Then, i msged & called him.. However, he dint picked up.. so, i thought.. well, i have done my part.. So, i dint bother calling again.. After a few minutes later, he called...
Well, we spoke about tonnes of stuff..Regarding the issues that kept him upset & stuff.. It was an hour long conversation.. When i was talking, i felt that it turn out well & better than what i expected it to be.. Was thinking to myself... No point holding grudges because issue like this is totally unpredictable.. We cant do much but to accept our destiny.. so, it ended pretty well.. At least, we are keeping in touch as for now.. Who knows????? i might MIA again according to him.. LOL..
Holding grudges against someone is pretty stress up & tiring.. Since i have tonnes of issues to worry on, i do not wish to have another stressful moment.. so, i rather choose to forgive what he have done than to still hate him.. anyway, he apologized.. =)

Monday, September 7, 2009

What a day????????

Was pretty happy & excited when i woke up this morning.. Well, it's sis birthday.. was suppose to celebrate her birthday with her before she get her arse back to pg.. However, due to some idiot fella, i dint managed to have a proper lunch with her.. nor had any brunch..
Went to her bf's place at 12something nearly 1pm.. Was suppose to go to 1U for some shopping.. & me buying some grocery... The plans went thrashed when my dad gave me a call.. It seems that his friend was sooo eager to have his vehicle back.. Well, it's not like i dint want to return your vehicle.. my vehicle is still stuck in the workshop...what do you expect me to do???? Stupid old man..
After that call, i had to go home just to washed his car & pump full tank for him.. due to the reason of using his vehicle for a week.. Thank god, sis passed me some of her cupcakes... I took that to hold my hunger... Once i cleaned up the vehicle, sent it over to his daughter's place... Darn.. he look effing cunning by showing that stupid smile.. I had to drive him too... stupid... Why can't you drive since you want your vehicle back...
Because of him, i couldnt even get a chance to tell or send my sis off to airport.. Darn old man..


Sometimes, i dont get it.. I dont wish to borrow people's stuff.. that's not my style of doing things.. PROVIDED i'm out of it.. People, please do tell me... Which people would love to borrow stuff from their friends when they have theirs????
I have told you that it will only be ready by this week.. If i dint informed you, then yes.. i'm abit too much.. because i have borrowed your stuff for almost a week... I'm just sick of your two faces.. God damnit, Can you please dont be soo fake????? Be yourself, please old man... What's the point of being soo supportive in front of my parents, when you dint intended to help??????? I did not asked for your help.. You are the one who intended to lend your hand first.. But now, you are rushing me.. WTF?????? How am i suppose to give you back when i'm out of it... Sigh.. Freaking inconsiderate.. Whatever.. Thank god, i have given you back your damn stuff... The next time, IF my car or whatsoever is broke down, trust me.. i will not asked for your help.. Hell NO..This is gonna be the first & last time... If you want to be a cunning fella in front of my parents, i can be as cunning as you are.. Well, i'm capable of doing that... jackarse..
Darn... I cant wait for my effing stuff to be back.. Stupid @#$%^!@#$%... Pretender, fakers, cunning old man..

Friday, September 4, 2009

Drama week..

It has been quite an in tense week for me..
Car stalling at the middle of the journey back to KL... Plus, driving like a super mad women in order to rush mum to airport... dealing with household issue & stuff.. being someone's reminder... due to the reason couldnt bear her from losing the marks.. Sigh..
There's more.. But then, no point contemplating over it.. Since, it's over.. In order to describe my 1st week back to KL after Malaysian Indepence Day Holiday, it is Hectic.. It's like rushing to meet datelines for assignments.. That's about it...
The sad part would be mum left KL yesterday.. Well, this entire 4 days experience staying with her was pretty good.. It made me realized alot of things... After sending her back, i felt my bed is pretty empty... as she slept with me.. But the good thing was, Mabel came over to stay with me over the weekend..Probably just a night.. Sigh, her parents will pick her up later... sigh.. & there she goes.. arse being towed back to sban.. LOL.. So, i will sleep alone from today onwards.. Not that i'm not used too.. But the company that was provided by them made me miss them even more...