there's 45 minutes left before 2010 hit its mark.. So, peepzzz... Let's welcome 2010 with great prospect, joy, luck and many more....
2009 has done a great deal in our life.. Mistakes have been made... Therefore, we should learned from it and be a happy person in life... So, forgive & forget... and never look back.....
Have fun peepzzzz.... Happy New Year every bloggers... =)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Once it's broken, it's never gonna mended..
I guess you guys heard this phrase before.. Well, it does apply in your life as well.. To be exact, relationship wise... Hmmm.. If you have been following my post, you would probably realized there's been dramas here and there.. Well, everyone would definitely encounter this phase.. It's life anyway.. We can't avoid that..
Ok.. Just a short synopsis about the dramas.. Practically, i was sorta dumped by a guy, of course.. LOL.. back in June 2009.. Exact date will be 5th of June 2009.. Hmmm.. couldnt believe the stupid date is still fresh in my brain.. anyway, yep, that's the date i was been rejected.. Since he is still in love with his ex.. They sorta got back together within a month.. Well, the naive side of me... still waiting for him to changed his mind & come back to i was willingly to wait.. Sigh... Love is practically blind... Yes, i was blinded back then..
After a certain momentum in life, decided that i should just get rid of him and start a brand new one.. Which is focusing on career.. Well, i did, of course.. hehehe... Somehow or rather, along the way, there's someone who sorta came along.. Well, it's still being freshie.. Practically, we are still being friends... and nothing seems to changed that.. I could say, i'm more than happy to get rid of the old one.. Not because of i have found someone new.. But, i feel that the old one, was practically, the stupid old flame where i thought it might happen but he is not the one.. So, yes...
Oh, i did adviced him as well.. To communicate with his gf when they have issues.. Despite me still liking him... There i was...NAIVE... sigh... Recently, his fb status display he is single.. When i saw that, i was like...ok...Whatever la... Because we are done anyway..So, it's your business.. We are still friends.. but sometimes, there's certain things i shouldnt get myself involve... Besides, i did dreamt of him as well..walking along the aisle.. That amazed me.. because i have not dreamt of him ever since he was off my mind..somehow, i did.. Well, i told him about the dream..Basically, he was laughing like mad...
Recently, he met with an accident.. So, i was online practically 24/7.. He nudged me on msn.. i was hesitate to reply.. Well, i got this feeling that he is trying his luck to keep in touch with me.. trying to get my attention and everything.. for no reason, he likes my status..which was pretty lame... So, i knew this was coming.. At the end of it.. i replied...and sorta gave a cold treatment.. Because i dint want to give him hope already... It's over... You have hurt me badly.. When i walked away, just let me go...Dont ever think you could repent the stuff that you did..
Peepzz out there.. regardless of which gender are you in.. Dont ever ever make silly mistakes in life.. i know we are bound to make silly mistakes sometimes.. An advice will be... Just give a thorough thought before commiting into something.. Once it's gone, forever.. it will fly off...
Birthday Surprise!!!!
I didn't expect my facebook wall to be flooded with tonnes of well-wisher, which is my friends, whom i lost in touch with.. Well, put it this way, i thought this year birthday is gonna be a plain old thing, where i would flock around at home & dinner with my parents & back to home to slp.. Yup, pretty dull, right..
As much as i want to hype this year, indeed my life has been pretty hype up.. Thanks to my taiping friends, whom i met along with throughout this year... It's been great fun blasting my life in KL with the right group of people.. Anyway, back to the original topic once again..
I was planning to do something fun for myself this year.. So, an old high school friend whom we shared the same birthday came down to penang.. Well, we sorta met up 2 days earlier before our birthday.. We had the longest talk ever... & rounding the mall for more than 5 times.. Gosh.. By the time i got home, my feet's colour went pinkest red and it hurts.. =(
Therefore, she decided want to checked out christmas countdown since she have not seen one before.. Well, same goes to me... Dad doesnt want to be stucked in the bad traffic.. Practically, we will be bumming around at home during this big festivals... We decided to heads over to QE2, which is sorta club/pub thingy.. That's my first visit as well.. hmmm..The songs selection for the night pretty shuckie...
Oh, a good friend of mine came along as well.. Well, it was great to see him there... Hmm.. i dint expect him to be popping up to my invitation.. So, it was pretty surprise to me... So, that's about it... Mailbox went bursting & had a couple of beer with Jeron... =) That sums up all the joy i had... Thanks peepzzzz who made my day.. Not to forget.. Jeron & his awesome way of wishing me... which made me feel like bashing him up...
As much as i want to hype this year, indeed my life has been pretty hype up.. Thanks to my taiping friends, whom i met along with throughout this year... It's been great fun blasting my life in KL with the right group of people.. Anyway, back to the original topic once again..
I was planning to do something fun for myself this year.. So, an old high school friend whom we shared the same birthday came down to penang.. Well, we sorta met up 2 days earlier before our birthday.. We had the longest talk ever... & rounding the mall for more than 5 times.. Gosh.. By the time i got home, my feet's colour went pinkest red and it hurts.. =(
Therefore, she decided want to checked out christmas countdown since she have not seen one before.. Well, same goes to me... Dad doesnt want to be stucked in the bad traffic.. Practically, we will be bumming around at home during this big festivals... We decided to heads over to QE2, which is sorta club/pub thingy.. That's my first visit as well.. hmmm..The songs selection for the night pretty shuckie...
Oh, a good friend of mine came along as well.. Well, it was great to see him there... Hmm.. i dint expect him to be popping up to my invitation.. So, it was pretty surprise to me... So, that's about it... Mailbox went bursting & had a couple of beer with Jeron... =) That sums up all the joy i had... Thanks peepzzzz who made my day.. Not to forget.. Jeron & his awesome way of wishing me... which made me feel like bashing him up...
Season of Joy made me stationary = LAZY!!!!
hahaha... yes, that's right... i have been superbly lazy these days.. dint feel like logging in to blogspot.. other than facebooking and msn... Sigh.. There are tonnes of stuff that i wished to share upon, but, the kick of blogging is just not there..
Anyway, a very late wishes to all the Christians in this world, Merry Christmas... Hmmm... Shouldnt i be saying that i'm not late since Christmas celebration lasted for 12 days... Correct me if i'm wrong because that's what i have been listening to those Christmas songs.. heheh..
Job hunting were stagnant-ing as well.. Like i says, there's no response from the market.. Well, couldn't blame them.. Since it's the year end.. Everyone is waiting for their bonuses.. So, i shall have to wait till tomorrow and landed an atomy bomb on all mnc websites.. hahaha...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
L.O.S.T & C.L.U.E.L.E.SS!!!!!
I dono what are you up to, i tried to understand you..
But, guess i did the wrong thing..
Probably, i shouldn't hoped for miracle to happen..
Besides, i shouldn't demand for your concern towards me..
It's a little stressful to wait for you to online and everything..
Knowing you online, makes me glue to my laptop all the time..
at times, i'll get nags from mum & dad for hooking up to laptop soo late...
Waking up in the noon like uberly late...
So, i guess... i have tried.. there's no respond..
i dont know whether did you showed interest or not..
But, i feel, it's not up to me to make things happen already..
Am tired of clapping one hand... where there's no respond..
Guess it's the end then..
which ends up making me to pull everything back to where it begins..
But, guess i did the wrong thing..
Probably, i shouldn't hoped for miracle to happen..
Besides, i shouldn't demand for your concern towards me..
It's a little stressful to wait for you to online and everything..
Knowing you online, makes me glue to my laptop all the time..
at times, i'll get nags from mum & dad for hooking up to laptop soo late...
Waking up in the noon like uberly late...
So, i guess... i have tried.. there's no respond..
i dont know whether did you showed interest or not..
But, i feel, it's not up to me to make things happen already..
Am tired of clapping one hand... where there's no respond..
Guess it's the end then..
which ends up making me to pull everything back to where it begins..
Dad's U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E thought!!!!!!
During the weekend, was woken up by dad... Just to accompanied him for breakie... I was still sleeping... Apparently, i have been sleeping late for certain reason.. But, i think i should start to ignore that particular person & start sleeping early.. will try it tonight then... Anyway, speaking about dad's bizzare thought.. His thought scares me all the time.... At times, it's difficult to reject... Sigh
So, What happen???? Went for breakie with him and 2nd sis.. He wanted to have Curry Mee, which is located somewhere near Loh Guan Lye hospital.. When we reached there, the shop was closed.. Practically, we went around the half island to search for food.. LOL.. While i was hugging some small bolster at the passenger seat... So, tried to sleep, but couldnt.. Finally, we ended up having our breakie in Jelutong Market..
Well, i am still job hunting.. Sis got an interview from some KL company.. She was informing dad about it.. All of sudden, here he is... giving me his wildest thought, which is persuading me to sales... Well, i dont mind dealing with sales.. But, he was suggesting me to Automobile industry.. Which he has established himself pretty well in that field.. then, me & sis was opposing, by giving all sort of reasons to him... He ended saying, We have that negative thought.. Sigh.. It's pretty risky.. doing sales in that industry.. Am still contemplating.. on the other hand, persuading me to assist him in the company... On the other hand, givng me a very bizzare thought like that.. Gosh, What the hell you want????
It's not easy... Yes, i know..Nothing comes easy in life... Well, i didn't want to tarnish his reputable image if so happen i cant perform.. Well, am giving it a real thought on it.. He feels that i have the capability of doing sales... So, will my life leads me....... :)
Brand new "ME" welcoming the 2010!!!
My old hairstyle...-Long hair....
Ta Daaa -New Hairstyle- Bob.... Super short...=( with the fat face...
Hahaha...Pretty lame headline for my blog... Indeed, i did some changes in me...Chopped my hair to super short...which my entire family was shocked... & wonder why did i have this thought of chopping off my hair... plus, this short... LOL
Well, put it this way... have never ever cut this short in my entire life... Mum & sis thought that i was tying up my hair... When they saw, they pop questions to 5Ws & 1H to me... It was funny... Besides, dad kept questioning me, "why did you cut your hair so short?" All i did was.... new hairstyle....& i wanted to cut short...however, not this short though...Well, my hair will months time...
Sigh...everyone was telling me how fat was i once i chopped off... Sigh.. Guess i have to start diet-ing & exercising.......Sigh
Friday, December 18, 2009
Movie Night Out!!!
I guess i have not done any movie reviews before... Decided to post this one up...Couples Retreat... Well, it's been such a long time since i last stepped to the cineplex... If i am not mistaken, i think the last movie i have watched in the the cinema was G-Force, the roddent movie...It's cute... love those hamsters...& guinea pigs as well...They were soo cool...
Here we are, Couples Retreat.. benn dying to watch this movie...When it was opened to the cineplex, me & Esther were watching New Moon.. Well, i don't really like New Moon anyway.. It's pretty dull compare to the book i have read.. Love those book... but not the movie.. Well, couldn't blame the director.. As they cant inject every detail of the plot into the movie... So, they took only the gist of the storyline...
OK...Couples Retreat.. Went movie with Jeron... Love the movie...It's sort of relaxation as there's humor and some morale in it.. Well, it would guide those couples, who are having probs currently.. to understand the flaws of each other and accept it.. So, it's definitely a thumb up movie to watch.. love the beach scene... practically, i love the entire concept of the movie...=)
Peeps, if you have not catch it, please do so...if you are lucky enough...If not, do grab the DVDs... =)
I'm A.G.E.I.N.G!!!!!! =(
Yes peepzzz, I am literally aged... Was pretty annoyed & disappointed... Apparently, mum had complimentary voucher to have a facial treatment in Stella In, which is an established brand name.. Furthermore, Aunty Stella has been a friend of mum since young.. Mum has always tailored her facial boutique all this while for facial wash..
Mum brought the products and got 2 complimentary vouchers. She gave it to me & 2nd sis to pamper ourself.. So, we booked the facial appointment on monday after sis completed her work.. went over to pamper ourselves while youngest sis went for shopping alone... Quite pitiful but she didn't want to join us for the facial wash anyway..
Facial moment... The beautician thought that i'm the oldest compare to my 2nd sis... She told my 2nd sis, "you should let your older sis to use some of your facial products".. I was like "What?????????" in my heart ok... then my 2nd sis was like, she is my younger sis..Then the beautician apologized.. Damn...Do i looked that old??????
Anyway, that's the part for making me aged... Besides, i'm having wrinkles... Can you believe it??? At the age of 2os, i'm getting myself wrinkles on the eye area and my neck... Damn... The effect of having wrinkles are not using the proper facial products.. Normally, i'm too lazy to pamper myself by applying toner or mosturizer to my face.. So, will only go with normal cleaser which i could get it from the malls or convenience shop, which cost me around RM18 per tube.. That's because i'm not earning yet.. so, i dont go for beautician products.. Well, mum do encourage me to buy, but i still feel it's not worth it..
However, i think i have to start using the proper facial products before turning my face into an aunty look.. =p At the end of that facial treatment, bought the traveling package for myself, which is RM100 plus... Sigh... There goes those money....=( Well, there's a saying mentioned.. In order to stay pretty, money has to spend... So, no choice.. =p
So, peepzz.. have a pleasant weekend....See ya...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Walking has Never been this F.U.N!!! =)
Hahaha!!! It's pretty weird when a person enjoys walking... It's not the exact walking (the exercising part)... It's window shopping...Haha.. After landing myself in Penang for almost 2 weeks plus... Never dated a friend for shopping.. So, Diana & I decided to meet up... We have not been catching up lately... We choose the nearest mall, since i've got wedding dinner to attend at night..
So, What's the fun part of our walk???? Practically, we just walked and walked...did not stops...for more than 4 hours..=p.. okok...we did stopped for a drink at Old Town with jeron.. Wondered whether did i disturb him for having his mushroom soup during his break..=p If i did, i'm sorry... As he tagged along, he & diana became buyer & seller because of his iphone..hehe.. Diana was tempted to buy an Iphone for herself, but couldnt locate a cheaper price.. So, both of them was bargaining..hehehe.. Besides, Diana couldn't eat anything because she was having her chicken pox.. I didn't want to tempt her... which is good.. At least i get to diet..muahahhahaha... Been looking for moments like that...Woots... We ordered some healthy fruit juice with milk added to filled my tummy up... =) Indeed, i was full after that... When i asked Jeron to choose the spot for us to chill, both of us was like where & where.. At the end, head over to old town... I didnt want to eat.. But Diana was like makan la... So, we shared ice cream toast.. hahaha... she is craving for ice cream... LOL... The entire 4 hours of shopping, we had 2 rounds of ice cream...Weeeeee...
Since Jeron is working in Swatch, was thinking of getting my younger sis a watch.. Well, it could be xmas present. Besides, she is moving up to different set of level next year, which is college life.. so, a brand new gift to head start her new life.. =p Plus, her old swatch died anyway.. I picked one of the watch, which is WHITE...... Well, i love it alot...probably, i like white...Besides, it's the only one that is nice..other than the others.. I mean the cheapest one i could find... hehe.. So, asked 2nd sis to checked..whether she like it.. She was like..ok...take this then.. Well, Jeron was kind enough to give me the staff price... Thank you once again Jeron, if so happens you are reading my blog.. =)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Stressful & intense moments are gone!!! =)
This morning was waken up by Dad's call.. As usual, my daily routine will be turning on my notebook & my cafe world...Hahhaha.. It's pretty addictive online game so far.. Gosh.. Salute to Mark, the founder of Zynga.. Well, how did i came across with it??? I did my research on him basically... Hehehe.. for one of the subjects i took... I love the way he organized his management.. Superb... You must be wondering whether am i into the business management world!!! Well, to be exact, i love to fork out and understand the way they lead the company, BUT definitely NOT applying it to education context.. Heheh.. Had a hard time figuring out how to write 3.5k words for my last Communication & Organization assignment.
However, i had fun learning the subjects anyway... this is the only subjects, which i'm interested.. Results are out... I didn't expect my results to be out so fast.. As i was told, it will only be out at the end of December or beginning of January 2010.. Practically, i was panic about it..As i didn't have a single clue about the progression of my course work, whether did i do well or suckie or total failure.. So, was complaining to dad that i hope that i pass all my subjects... Then he gave me the look, Shouldn't you know how well you did?? I was like...I dono...hehe... Finally, i could rest in peace...hehehe... all the intense moments, sleepless nights, burnout moments are gone for now... Indeed, i pass everything.. So, it's time to hunt for jobs...=)
When i was checking my mailbox this morning, i came across this email, which was sent by the outsourcing agency.. It states Unsuccessful...When i saw that word, i was practically laughing to myself because i have already expected that i will not get the job from agilent anyway.. So, i wasn't surprise... Besides, i wasn't disappointed either.. Since i didn't get the offer, i could enjoy my holiday for now.. with total peace...=) Told sis about it... she just asked me, didn't get ar...i told her yea... but that doesnt stop me from hunting.. lately, been checking out job vacancy.., Hopefully, work luck might land in my direction soon... heheh...
So, it's time to celebrate.... Weeeeeee...Stress & worries about my results are gone... Tomorrow, shall head over to QB with Diana.. Then, waiting for Mabs to come back, we'll head over to Hard Rock hotel to check out the place...=) So, adieus peepzzz... Have Fun...
However, i had fun learning the subjects anyway... this is the only subjects, which i'm interested.. Results are out... I didn't expect my results to be out so fast.. As i was told, it will only be out at the end of December or beginning of January 2010.. Practically, i was panic about it..As i didn't have a single clue about the progression of my course work, whether did i do well or suckie or total failure.. So, was complaining to dad that i hope that i pass all my subjects... Then he gave me the look, Shouldn't you know how well you did?? I was like...I dono...hehe... Finally, i could rest in peace...hehehe... all the intense moments, sleepless nights, burnout moments are gone for now... Indeed, i pass everything.. So, it's time to hunt for jobs...=)
When i was checking my mailbox this morning, i came across this email, which was sent by the outsourcing agency.. It states Unsuccessful...When i saw that word, i was practically laughing to myself because i have already expected that i will not get the job from agilent anyway.. So, i wasn't surprise... Besides, i wasn't disappointed either.. Since i didn't get the offer, i could enjoy my holiday for now.. with total peace...=) Told sis about it... she just asked me, didn't get ar...i told her yea... but that doesnt stop me from hunting.. lately, been checking out job vacancy.., Hopefully, work luck might land in my direction soon... heheh...
So, it's time to celebrate.... Weeeeeee...Stress & worries about my results are gone... Tomorrow, shall head over to QB with Diana.. Then, waiting for Mabs to come back, we'll head over to Hard Rock hotel to check out the place...=) So, adieus peepzzz... Have Fun...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Job hunting...
It's been 2 weeks by now ever since i got home to penang.. Well, home is always a relaxing retreat... Nothing much has been done, other than busy hunting for job.. It's about time for me to get away from my laidback moments.. Even though dad is not giving me any pressure but sis are hinting..Since i have nothing to lose, might as well just search.. I was pretty surprise to be short-listed by agilent to go for an interview...
Put it this way, i didn't expect it to occur so fast... First of all, i really wanted to go for a have a break-away trip..but to my vain, trips were not planned.. Friends are pretty busy and everyone seems to dwelling with thier probs. So, it's cancel.. No choice...
Ok..So, let's talked about the interview then.. It didn't went as smoothly as i thought... Put it this way, i freaked out and research were practically gone...Even though i did my research, but the moment he ask me...everything just gone..Well, i didn't put as high hope as it is after the interview...I was pretty disappointed with myself.. Because i didn't perform as what i am capable of..Didnt do much selling..Anyway, being a first timer in this area...having the real interview.. I'm sure i could handle things better in future... Well, i was pretty down after that.. Dad realized my down-ness and started to make fun of me.... in order to cheer me up...But deep down, i was practically been thrashed down...
Dad has been my supportive friend, a father, and buddy to me.. His advices and experience have definitely guided me into what am i today... Not to mentioned my mum as well...Both have their capabilities in nurturing us... So, Thanks for being part of my life...
Put it this way, i didn't expect it to occur so fast... First of all, i really wanted to go for a have a break-away trip..but to my vain, trips were not planned.. Friends are pretty busy and everyone seems to dwelling with thier probs. So, it's cancel.. No choice...
Ok..So, let's talked about the interview then.. It didn't went as smoothly as i thought... Put it this way, i freaked out and research were practically gone...Even though i did my research, but the moment he ask me...everything just gone..Well, i didn't put as high hope as it is after the interview...I was pretty disappointed with myself.. Because i didn't perform as what i am capable of..Didnt do much selling..Anyway, being a first timer in this area...having the real interview.. I'm sure i could handle things better in future... Well, i was pretty down after that.. Dad realized my down-ness and started to make fun of me.... in order to cheer me up...But deep down, i was practically been thrashed down...
Dad has been my supportive friend, a father, and buddy to me.. His advices and experience have definitely guided me into what am i today... Not to mentioned my mum as well...Both have their capabilities in nurturing us... So, Thanks for being part of my life...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It's D.E.C.E.M.B.E.R!!!!!!!!!!!
December is here....ok...i should blogged 2 days ago be exact... anyway, it's still december... i do always looked forward to this month.. It's a season of joy, whereby Christmas, mark the end of the year as well as meeeeeeee Birthday are all located in the month of DECEMBER..hehehhe... love love december... It just thrill me all the time when december hits... But, Mabel wont be able to celebrate with mua..this she is busy studying for her final exams... Sigh..that's devastating.. anyway, guess this year gonna be the same...celebrating with an uncomplete family...=(
Sis is going down to KL to celebrate with her husband to be..... As much as i want her accompany, i have to understand her... anyway, she is forgiven..hehe.. so, i shall planned what do i want to do this year... dad planned to have a bbq session in one of his friend's house in kl on 24th...Xmas eve.. but i dint want to because another friend of his will be there as well... let's see how it goes...
so, peepz...please do planned out what do you want to do!!! have fun....celebrate the month with full of joy...=)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Finally, I'm back to my little island for GOOD... hmmm... I'm pretty devastated to go home soo quickly where i dont get to spend much time with my bunch of KL friends, especially Arena gengs, Linda, Mel not to mentioned... Rachel bum... As much as i wanted to catch up with you guys, i was left with no choice... SIGH... So I'm SORRY... But, rest be assured... I'll go back to KL once in a while to hunt you guys down...heheh... Other than friends, i Missed their Mallssssss.... hehe...
So, HOME is always a place to retreat, which suits me, for now...As i needed a retreat session for myself before starting mee Career.. There's always a but, which Jeron used to tell me, about the BUTS.. Muahahha... Well, i'm sure that we will always want to have or do two things at once, but, we couldnt...So, there's always But, Jeron.. No choice, it's stuck with me already...Without using it, I felt uncomfy... hehe... So, peeps, please bear with me okays..
Anyway, managed to catched up with Mabel last friday, as she is back for a short break... Yay... Wanted to have the authentic Uncle burger in Tanjong Bungah... Sadly, we ended up having Ananda's as uncle's van wasn't there... Anyway, we talked about lotsa of stuff...well, our commonly girlish talks that wouldn't even bore me at all... It was just fun chilling out with her... as we share tonnes of common little things.. Oh yea, before i forget...She gave me my Early Birthday pressie... Me love it alotttttttttttttt..... Thanks dear... All i just wish is she is back in Penang with me..that's the best gift i ever want from her... Let's just prayed that she is back home during meeee Birthday..heheh...
After that meet up session, went home... slept at 4 something in the morning.. Well, had a heart-to-heart talked with mummy...LOL... I guess i have changed... Patiences level has increased... if i were to compare the old me and the new me.. it was a huge difference... let's put it this way, very much stubborn back then.. always want things my way.. As years goes by, sorta changed... i was amazed that i could tolerate mum's long winded I still love her tonnes... So, let's see... how much have i changed during my 2 years instinct in KL...
So, HOME is always a place to retreat, which suits me, for now...As i needed a retreat session for myself before starting mee Career.. There's always a but, which Jeron used to tell me, about the BUTS.. Muahahha... Well, i'm sure that we will always want to have or do two things at once, but, we couldnt...So, there's always But, Jeron.. No choice, it's stuck with me already...Without using it, I felt uncomfy... hehe... So, peeps, please bear with me okays..
Anyway, managed to catched up with Mabel last friday, as she is back for a short break... Yay... Wanted to have the authentic Uncle burger in Tanjong Bungah... Sadly, we ended up having Ananda's as uncle's van wasn't there... Anyway, we talked about lotsa of stuff...well, our commonly girlish talks that wouldn't even bore me at all... It was just fun chilling out with her... as we share tonnes of common little things.. Oh yea, before i forget...She gave me my Early Birthday pressie... Me love it alotttttttttttttt..... Thanks dear... All i just wish is she is back in Penang with me..that's the best gift i ever want from her... Let's just prayed that she is back home during meeee Birthday..heheh...
After that meet up session, went home... slept at 4 something in the morning.. Well, had a heart-to-heart talked with mummy...LOL... I guess i have changed... Patiences level has increased... if i were to compare the old me and the new me.. it was a huge difference... let's put it this way, very much stubborn back then.. always want things my way.. As years goes by, sorta changed... i was amazed that i could tolerate mum's long winded I still love her tonnes... So, let's see... how much have i changed during my 2 years instinct in KL...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Last Weekend with Mabel in KL...
It's a good thing that i'm done with my Bachelor degree, but there's always pros and cons in Life... The good part will be NO MORE ASSIGNMENTS, NO MORE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, and more of NO MORE's reasons..hehehe...The sad part will be NO MORE date with Mabel in KL...hitting to the Malls, hunting for foods, shops & everything... that we have done together in the past 2 years... Wouldn't trade that experience for anything...It's worth it...
Having her in my place means FUN... travelled the ENTIRE SELANGOR in 3 days....Practically, went north, south, east & west for authentic Malaysian cuisine, clothes and window shopping..muhahaha... It was crazy.... Other than that, brought 1 bottle of wine... we had a heart-to-heart talk as always together with the wine... finished the entire bottle & both of us...were high...muahhahaa... practically, we had a very very nice sleepppp after that wine kicks in... being the 1st timer in selecting the wine, we are pretty good...the taste was splendid...
Our final day was ended up in Nichii, Curve... Mabel was suppose to buy something for herself... when we were in Sunway...Ended up walking with empty handed while i brought something which i dont intended to shop at first... So, this time... i told myself...NO...I shouldn't buy anymore, while Mabel should treat herself with new clothes...Muahahha... She wore one green top, & i fell in love with it...As she look soooo good and pretty in it... She is contemplating once again... this time, i used all my persuading skills to make her purchase that dress...FINALLY, she brought it... I'm soo happy...hehehe...
Oh...she dumped me for RUBI shoes...Read it once again.. It's only RUBI shoes okay... When she saw that, she just throwed away my hand..& ignore me..Gosh... I wonder will that happened to her boyfriend or just me...hehehe... I hoped her future boyfriend reads my blog...Just in case the next time she took off her hands from him, at least he won't be hurt right..hehehe...Sorry Bo...You know I will always love you...hehehe...
Anyway, that's what we did for the entire weekend... I felt awful after she left...everything seems to be soo quiet when i reached home...No more Screamings or laughters and the lau ee (aunty) stuff, which brings joy to me...I'm hoping to go down to Seremban once again...& bugged her...hehehhe...So, adieus peepzz... Have a great weekend...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hey peepzzzzzzzzz... it's been a while i dint blogged... was pretty tight up with assignments... Last sem is exhausting........ I guess i have been skipping meals, sleepsssss...and increased on my caffeine intake... That is how bad i was????? Barely could eat anything...
Rach bum came over the other day... helping me with assignment... Without her, i dono what kind of state will i land myself... Everything seems to turned upside down... mind was totally blank... shoulder was sooo tense up... Oh god... Dad called me at 11am, was still sleeping like a log... barely move... picked up the phone & he heard my sleepy voice... told me, he will called me back...
As he understand the state i am right now... Thank You Daddy... Muackssssss... hehehe.. oh yea, mum as well...even though she woke me up to helped her to booked her ticket to Singapore due to some sleep was barely 2 hours.. me woke up n helped her without grumbling...Hhehe... I was surprised when i helped her... Shocked.. why i dint grumble when she woke me up??? as always, my sleep is the most important thing... I could go hungry but never to sleep..
Anyway, jz handed my last paper... FINALLY, I could say I'M DONE WITH STUDIES.. p/s: provided i passed everything..finger cross...hehehe... Never felt sooo good after handing in assignment... A heavy burden is lifted up from my shoulder... Gonna celebrate it with the Bo's...Woot..cant wait to see her.. for now, i have yet to clean my whole damn house.. it's freaking DIRTY... PIG STY.. wonder how did i survived.. hahaha
Rach bum came over the other day... helping me with assignment... Without her, i dono what kind of state will i land myself... Everything seems to turned upside down... mind was totally blank... shoulder was sooo tense up... Oh god... Dad called me at 11am, was still sleeping like a log... barely move... picked up the phone & he heard my sleepy voice... told me, he will called me back...
As he understand the state i am right now... Thank You Daddy... Muackssssss... hehehe.. oh yea, mum as well...even though she woke me up to helped her to booked her ticket to Singapore due to some sleep was barely 2 hours.. me woke up n helped her without grumbling...Hhehe... I was surprised when i helped her... Shocked.. why i dint grumble when she woke me up??? as always, my sleep is the most important thing... I could go hungry but never to sleep..
Anyway, jz handed my last paper... FINALLY, I could say I'M DONE WITH STUDIES.. p/s: provided i passed everything..finger cross...hehehe... Never felt sooo good after handing in assignment... A heavy burden is lifted up from my shoulder... Gonna celebrate it with the Bo's...Woot..cant wait to see her.. for now, i have yet to clean my whole damn house.. it's freaking DIRTY... PIG STY.. wonder how did i survived.. hahaha
Monday, November 9, 2009
Before starting my assignment.. Felt like posting something which i think might be useful to everyone.. Well, SHARING IS CARING!!! Anyway, Criticism.. Apparently, we dont like criticism right.. Who likes it anyway??? But, there's certain part of us might take criticism seriously.. & some dont even bother at all..
As for us ladies, Weight/ Size/ acne or watsoever are the biggest issues in our live...Well, we want to look good as ever right.. Like i says, it depends on your perspective.. To me, whenever people mentioned something about my weight, i'll sorta agree to it but i know the weighing scale are going up anyway.. So, I'll be like... yea, i know... But will be obsess our dieting to get back to shape.. What i'm trying to tell you guys are??/ Dont feel bad or degrade yourself just because people criticise you..
If you think you are Fat, then changed it.. Do something to your body.. Have a makeover or something.. But, Never degrade yourself like, i'm up to no good.. Felt life is useless/ Aint pretty just because you are FAT.. That shouldnt be that way.. Same goes to your work.. If you think your work are stagnant, then do something.. Improved on your communication skills.. If you think you have the qualities, then ignore them.. Probably they are just being jealous.. Never ever degrade yourself just because somebody criticise you.. There's two way of looking at it.. It's either they are trying to provoke your self esteem, if you are the type of person who cant stand criticism & will do something to it.. or Jealousy... So, be aware of it.. Every person in this world has their qualities.. No one is perfect..
As for us ladies, Weight/ Size/ acne or watsoever are the biggest issues in our live...Well, we want to look good as ever right.. Like i says, it depends on your perspective.. To me, whenever people mentioned something about my weight, i'll sorta agree to it but i know the weighing scale are going up anyway.. So, I'll be like... yea, i know... But will be obsess our dieting to get back to shape.. What i'm trying to tell you guys are??/ Dont feel bad or degrade yourself just because people criticise you..
If you think you are Fat, then changed it.. Do something to your body.. Have a makeover or something.. But, Never degrade yourself like, i'm up to no good.. Felt life is useless/ Aint pretty just because you are FAT.. That shouldnt be that way.. Same goes to your work.. If you think your work are stagnant, then do something.. Improved on your communication skills.. If you think you have the qualities, then ignore them.. Probably they are just being jealous.. Never ever degrade yourself just because somebody criticise you.. There's two way of looking at it.. It's either they are trying to provoke your self esteem, if you are the type of person who cant stand criticism & will do something to it.. or Jealousy... So, be aware of it.. Every person in this world has their qualities.. No one is perfect..
Friday, November 6, 2009
Finals are never easy!!!
As we all know, finals are the most crucial moments.. This finals, it really drain me in & out.. A good friend told me today.. i hv put on weights... Well, i was like.. oh ok.. as i realized i dont really have the time to work out... Besides, eating out all the time will be the cause of it either..
Furthermore, S.L.E.E.P is the most important thing in life.. Without having a proper sleep, your day will be pretty tired.. Sleeping at random hours of the day cause acnes and dark circles.. However, mum didnt feel it that way.. I know she concerns about me...But, i really dont have time to talk to her.. When i have time, it's the bed that i will entertain..
She freaks out whenever i dint pick up her call.. I mean, come on la.. For the past 1 & half years in kl, i have been staying alone.. When i answered her call, she was pretty worried and angry at the same time.. The part where it hits me hard was.. I was called to be home once degree is done.. Dont you think it's abit unfair??? I know you concern, but shouldnt you give me some space.. I couldnt be calling you everyday to report about my daily lives.. I am pretty devastated when she asked me to come home..
What about my dreams??? Argh.... Give me a break... I'm way too stress up to think of everyone's feeling already... It doesnt mean i love her lesser, i just dont have time... that's all..
Anyway, peepzzz... that's all... pretty exhausted with everything nw..
Furthermore, S.L.E.E.P is the most important thing in life.. Without having a proper sleep, your day will be pretty tired.. Sleeping at random hours of the day cause acnes and dark circles.. However, mum didnt feel it that way.. I know she concerns about me...But, i really dont have time to talk to her.. When i have time, it's the bed that i will entertain..
She freaks out whenever i dint pick up her call.. I mean, come on la.. For the past 1 & half years in kl, i have been staying alone.. When i answered her call, she was pretty worried and angry at the same time.. The part where it hits me hard was.. I was called to be home once degree is done.. Dont you think it's abit unfair??? I know you concern, but shouldnt you give me some space.. I couldnt be calling you everyday to report about my daily lives.. I am pretty devastated when she asked me to come home..
What about my dreams??? Argh.... Give me a break... I'm way too stress up to think of everyone's feeling already... It doesnt mean i love her lesser, i just dont have time... that's all..
Anyway, peepzzz... that's all... pretty exhausted with everything nw..
Friday, October 30, 2009
Crazy Night with scary + mortifying moments!!!
Hey Peepzzzzzzzzz.. Happy Halloween to you guyssss.. I bet there are tonnes of planning that had been set upon for this night.. Apparently, I sorta retired from the partying world for quite sometimes... Was busy till I kept myself glued to home every now & then.. Till my dad was like, What the hell are you doing at home??? Hehehe..
But, i couldnt tell him that, Hey, i'm partying tonight!!! Gosh, he would have nag meeee.. But, i know that he would go easy with it though.. A good friend of mine was back to KL to celebrate his birthday which falls on Halloween... But, there's also another good friend who is also a Halloween baby.. Both of them knew each other... But, they are celebrating different night...
So, my good friend that came back to KL celebrated on Halloween eve.. Man, i never knew that i would caught myself drowning to the cups..At the end of the night, i was totally outttttt... That was something that i would not want to expose my motifying drunkard moments especially meeting my babe's boyfriend for the first time.. Shit... Apparently, her boyfriend had to take good care of me... What a nice guy he is?? The funniest thing was her ex carried me to my car.. That was years back, if i'm not mistaken.. probably, 2-3 years back.. I was totally out till i was crapping that i need to drive home... LOL.. At the end of the day, he had to drive me home.. But, he was my classmate... Sigh.. I think i should go easy on partying already..
There goes my mortifying party momentsss... However, i didn't expect to see my dad's business associates staff to be there during the party... At the beginning, before the knock off.. I was wondering who are they, as they looked familiar to me.. I asked my friend, do he know them?? My friend told me he doesnt.. So, i couldnt be bother & started partying.. After partying, went for supper, my tummy gave me away already... I puked... Then, i saw them having supper together.. Then, i asked her.. You looked familiar... Then she was like.. Are you Mr.... daughter's??? As the alcohol still in my blood.. I told her that oh you know my dad.. & tell her my dad's full name.. Then, she mentioned my dad's company name.. I was like WTF!!!! What a fucking small world.. I never wanted to expose my drunkard image in front of my dad's business associate staff.. Damn.. I knew that i would caught up with someone when i'm partying.. But i didn't expect that to be sooooooooooo accurate... Shit... But, we told each other that, it's off the record anyway.. Gosh....
Sigh.. I wonder would i be able to attend tonight's party..As my tummy still hurts... empty tummy together with slight headache.. Furthermore, i couldnt always sleep properly when i'm partying.. The max of slp was 3 hours.. Damn...
So, peepzzzz.... That was my craziest night.. i wish all of the bloggerssssss a great Happy Halloweeen....Go party you guys... =)
But, i couldnt tell him that, Hey, i'm partying tonight!!! Gosh, he would have nag meeee.. But, i know that he would go easy with it though.. A good friend of mine was back to KL to celebrate his birthday which falls on Halloween... But, there's also another good friend who is also a Halloween baby.. Both of them knew each other... But, they are celebrating different night...
So, my good friend that came back to KL celebrated on Halloween eve.. Man, i never knew that i would caught myself drowning to the cups..At the end of the night, i was totally outttttt... That was something that i would not want to expose my motifying drunkard moments especially meeting my babe's boyfriend for the first time.. Shit... Apparently, her boyfriend had to take good care of me... What a nice guy he is?? The funniest thing was her ex carried me to my car.. That was years back, if i'm not mistaken.. probably, 2-3 years back.. I was totally out till i was crapping that i need to drive home... LOL.. At the end of the day, he had to drive me home.. But, he was my classmate... Sigh.. I think i should go easy on partying already..
There goes my mortifying party momentsss... However, i didn't expect to see my dad's business associates staff to be there during the party... At the beginning, before the knock off.. I was wondering who are they, as they looked familiar to me.. I asked my friend, do he know them?? My friend told me he doesnt.. So, i couldnt be bother & started partying.. After partying, went for supper, my tummy gave me away already... I puked... Then, i saw them having supper together.. Then, i asked her.. You looked familiar... Then she was like.. Are you Mr.... daughter's??? As the alcohol still in my blood.. I told her that oh you know my dad.. & tell her my dad's full name.. Then, she mentioned my dad's company name.. I was like WTF!!!! What a fucking small world.. I never wanted to expose my drunkard image in front of my dad's business associate staff.. Damn.. I knew that i would caught up with someone when i'm partying.. But i didn't expect that to be sooooooooooo accurate... Shit... But, we told each other that, it's off the record anyway.. Gosh....
Sigh.. I wonder would i be able to attend tonight's party..As my tummy still hurts... empty tummy together with slight headache.. Furthermore, i couldnt always sleep properly when i'm partying.. The max of slp was 3 hours.. Damn...
So, peepzzzz.... That was my craziest night.. i wish all of the bloggerssssss a great Happy Halloweeen....Go party you guys... =)
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mortifying Moments.... =(
What a day???? Sigh... I dint expect my day will turnout to be motifying, especially in KL.. As always, will definitely pray whenever i'm off to college or anywhere.. Well, you guys will be thinking what a superstitious lady, but, it has guided me so far.. However, i didnt expect myself to fell in the public.. the worst part was there are tonnes of passers and also vehicles..
Apparently, been having sorta unlucky moments.. However, i will never grumble because that's life.. I feel that things like this couldnt be avoided.. But, i'm just complaining because it was pretty embarrassing to fell down when there are people surrounding you..
Anyway, told my sis about it.. She laughed and gave me a nick for being a clumsy kluts.. Hahahah.. I guess i share the same nick as Archie Andrews then.. Hehehe.. But, i'm definitely not as clumsy as he is.. hehe
So, how did the whole process of me kneeling down on the road??? Yup, kneeling is the word.. Instead of falling side ways, i knelt down.. Weird right??? Anyway, was walking towards my vehicle after purchasing some stuff... Was walking on the pavement and going down to the tar road as my vehicle was the opposite side of the road. As i stepped my left foot down to the surface of the tar road, my ankle went twisted.. Without realizing it, both of my knees were knelt to the tar road.. It happened within split seconds.. There's one motorist who sorta witnessed the entire process of me knelling down, his expression was something aiks..and off he goes.. I got up & pretend like nothing had happen.. When i got to the vehicle, my knees started to hurt and i just realized it's bleeding.. tsk tsk.. But, it wasn't that bad.. hehe
So, peepsss.. For once, i uploaded the gruesome pic of my minor injuries..
P/s: i'm not a princess.. Even though it swell up, but i just treat it as if there's nothing wrong with my kneesss.. By posting this, it's meant to share...hehehe.. Sharing is caring... Lol..
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Awesome weekend in Sban...
Hey peepsss... How have you guys been doing lately?????? As i have mentioned in my previous postings, i have been literally busy.. Nearly caught myself snoozing on the bed most of the time.. That was how bad i was.. Anyway, went to the Bo's place last weekend.. which i have been cheering all the time.. I planned to visit her like long time ago.. But, never did.. Sorry... However, my plan were successful, isnt it bo's... hehehe...
Mabel, my dear, had brought me to PORT DICKSON!!! yea babeh.. Sad to say, being a Malaysian citizen, i have a little tiny memory about Malaysia's tourist spots... From now, I'll make sure that i'll give malaysia's state a thought whenever i needed a little break.. Hehehe..
Staying over in Bo's place, which is Seremban.. Man, speaking of her made me miss her... Pictures time...
Friday, October 16, 2009
What a week??????
Gosh!!! It's been monthss ever since i last awake for more than 24hrs.. Hmm, Should i say, it never once happened in my life???? Well, it just occured recently.. Despite the fact that, i'm in my final sem of my degree path.. It has certainly taken my soul out of it... To add things worst, the stupid Streamyx wasnt able to function properly, which pissed me off.. The fact that it was pretty last minute, i had to camped at places that has Wifi connection & it's 24 hrs.. It's sooo pathetic.. Other than that, i got myself a summon due to the fact that i forgotten to display the parking ticket.. What a day man!!! Sigh...
After that 28 hrs, my whole brain was totally burned to ashes... LITERALLY... couldnt be able to function properly.. Despite the fact that, my house was in mess like really mess up... PIG sty. and i had another assignment due on this coming monday.. Sigh... my life is soo mess up right now.. Thank god, i'm going for a short road trip to Seremban tomorrow to visit Mabel.. That's the only source that cheer me up & looking forward for the weekend..
Finger cross!!! Hopefully, i did pretty well in my assignment though.. Due to the stressful life i'm having right now, i'm pretty glad that i'm focusing on my studies rather than those unnecessary stuff.. Lately, managed to have a chat with him.. Despite the fact that i thought he is the one & bla bla, I realized that he never once fitted into my characteristic.. Now, i totally get the meaning of Love is Blind... IT is really BLIND... Plus, i find him boring... hahaha.. I know, i'm evil..but who cares???????
Anyway, need to continued with the cleaning up session.. Will post pics when i'm free... Sban trip & rachel's bday.. =)
After that 28 hrs, my whole brain was totally burned to ashes... LITERALLY... couldnt be able to function properly.. Despite the fact that, my house was in mess like really mess up... PIG sty. and i had another assignment due on this coming monday.. Sigh... my life is soo mess up right now.. Thank god, i'm going for a short road trip to Seremban tomorrow to visit Mabel.. That's the only source that cheer me up & looking forward for the weekend..
Finger cross!!! Hopefully, i did pretty well in my assignment though.. Due to the stressful life i'm having right now, i'm pretty glad that i'm focusing on my studies rather than those unnecessary stuff.. Lately, managed to have a chat with him.. Despite the fact that i thought he is the one & bla bla, I realized that he never once fitted into my characteristic.. Now, i totally get the meaning of Love is Blind... IT is really BLIND... Plus, i find him boring... hahaha.. I know, i'm evil..but who cares???????
Anyway, need to continued with the cleaning up session.. Will post pics when i'm free... Sban trip & rachel's bday.. =)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Time is running out!!!!!! )=
Screams!!! I've been procrstinating for too long.. Sigh.. How i wished time would actually reversed???? Well, it doesnt happen this way arent' they!!! Anyway, Mabel had lend me the 3rd & 4th edition of Twilight to me.. It was way months back when she handed it to me.. But, I'm just slacking once i touched on the final.. because there's different point of view.. it's quite complicated... So, that divert me to other stuff..
Finally, got rid of the book because i took 3 days to finished up the remaining chapters.. Now, i could really focus on work... Gosh.. I hate it when i'm under pressure... There's 3 subjects at once... I think i really need to get it going..before i'm running out of time again..
Finally, got rid of the book because i took 3 days to finished up the remaining chapters.. Now, i could really focus on work... Gosh.. I hate it when i'm under pressure... There's 3 subjects at once... I think i really need to get it going..before i'm running out of time again..
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
E.A.R.T.H.Q.U.A.K.E !!!!!!
Omg, i just read the news that earthquake had hit Sumatra again, but it wasn't as bad as what happened back in 2004, if i'm not mistaken. During 2004, i didn't felt a single thing when Penang was hit with tsunami badly.. At that particular moment, i was still sleeping.. Hhehehe..
But i felt that just now.. My head was shaking quite bad.. I thought that i was facing dizziness due to the dieting... Thought that i did not have enough of sugar in my bloodstream.. So, i never thought of earthquake had strike again.. Besides, i was busy doing my assignment... =p
Then, people start to post comments on Facebook.. And i thought they are just joking... Then read it from the news.. got shocked out of it.. Sigh, the worst part of all.. i'm staying in an apartment.. which is quite risky.. Hope & pray that this incident will not occur again..
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Funny Thing about Men!!!!
A friend of mine seent an email to me about men.. When i read it, i was bursting into loud laughs till my sis scolded me..because it was late at night.. hehehe.. anyway, thought of sharing it to you guys.. have some laugh on men.. hehehe..
P/s: to the guys, i'm sorry.. but it is sooo true...
For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here's an update for you: Nowadays, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.. Men are like....
1. Men are like Laxatives . They irritate the crap out of you.
2. Men are like Bananas . The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like Weather. Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like Blenders. You need One, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like Chocolate Bars .. Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.
6. Men are like Commercials . You can't believe a word they say.
7. Men are like Department Stores ... Their clothes are always 1/2 off!
8. Men are like Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature.
9. Men are like ... Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Men are like Popcorn . They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Men are like Snowstorms . You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last..
12. Men are like Lava Lamps . Fun to look at, but not very bright.
13. Men are like Parking Spots. All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.
P/s: to the guys, i'm sorry.. but it is sooo true...
For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here's an update for you: Nowadays, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.. Men are like....
1. Men are like Laxatives . They irritate the crap out of you.
2. Men are like Bananas . The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like Weather. Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like Blenders. You need One, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like Chocolate Bars .. Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.
6. Men are like Commercials . You can't believe a word they say.
7. Men are like Department Stores ... Their clothes are always 1/2 off!
8. Men are like Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature.
9. Men are like ... Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Men are like Popcorn . They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Men are like Snowstorms . You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last..
12. Men are like Lava Lamps . Fun to look at, but not very bright.
13. Men are like Parking Spots. All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Have you ever wonder or pop this question about when will you be slapped with huge sum of money & being succesful enough??? Well, i had a week break due to the Malay New Year celebration.. Well, it was suppose to get my arse & head starts to hunt for successful management articles for Comm & Org 2nd assignment.. Plus my Portfolio which i was suppose to submit some draft to Ms. Adeline for her to check on.. Due to my laziness & carefree life right now, i have no doubts that i will be working my arse off to finish everything when i'm back to the hectic life... Sad to say, it's tommorow... Heads UP & Minds Up Cheezz as you will be slapped with tonnes of works......
Anyway, back to the topic... As the holidays are turning to an end, my attention was diverted to some books that was landed on top of my sister's bed.. Well, it turns out to be Lim Goh Tong's story on how he managed to pull through by building an empire in range of hotels, cruises, plantations & so forth.. I dint knew that he had wrote a book about his success.. Anyway, my sis wasnt a fan of reading, but was forced to by her bf.. Hehehe.. Well, it turns out to be me as well.. I dont really like reading till i fell in love with harry potter... which was highly influence by Mabel, who is a close friend of mine.. After reading Harry Potter, i was diversified to romance novels... Who doesnt love reading Romance Novel anyway??? It could be due to the gender where females tend to be soft & love to read those lovey dovey stuff..
Sigh, why do i always get diverted soo easily??? Anyway, Lim Goh Tong's, who is the father of Genting.. Just in case those peepz out there doesnt know who the heck is he.. His experience amazed me with tonnes of quotations & other valuable examples to be a successful.. In fact, i was hooked to his book all the time.. He made me realized that every dream that you dreamt of will turn to be successful if you put your heart & soul to it.. The determination as well does plays a very important roles in the process of unleashing the plans..
I was poped with a question after finishing the entire book.. Will I be successful as him???? Hmm, i have yet to know whether will i be like him.. since i'm not working yet..
To cut things short, to Malaysian citizen... if you want to know his experiences & ways of dealing with business with a gist of it, hit the bookstore to take a look at it.. It's worthwhile to divert yourself from the romance or other novels that you are currently reading..
In directly, i needed to expand my scope of reading too..Heheheh..
In directly, i needed to expand my scope of reading too..Heheheh..
Stupidest thing i have ever heard...
Peepsssssss... What do you normally drink when you are thirsty???? You will probably take a big gulp of ice water or any cold drinks.. Have you ever heard about downing a can of beer... Well, to the westerner, it is normal to drink beer as beer is sooo much cheaper compare to water.. What about the Asian????? Guess what???? I got this crazy sister of mine.. took beer instead of plain water..
According to her, she wanted to try out how does it feels like to drink beer ever since the last experience with beer was years back. We went on a cruise during my parents 25th anniversary which was years back & me couldnt remember which year it was.. Anyway, we were happily singing in the karaoke lounge & daddy ordered beer.. But my younger sis wanted to be a super woman.. Wanted to try the beer.. So, dad decided to let her experience it with STRAW... hahaha.. After a few sip, she was off sleeping like a baby & caught herself with fever..
This time, she is much older then..I dint know that she was drinking a can of beer... So, she decided to down the entire can due to quench her thirst... After that, she was pactically awake.. Then we went to bed around 2 something.. she had a good night sleep till the next day..she was out till 2pm in the noon.. Just imagined that.. i woke her up because i had to go out with a friend of mine for lunch.. When i woke her up, her eyes was still off... Then, she told me she had a can of beer last night.. I was like bahahahahhahaha.. Couldnt help it..but laughed at her.. due to the her silliness..
According to her, she wanted to try out how does it feels like to drink beer ever since the last experience with beer was years back. We went on a cruise during my parents 25th anniversary which was years back & me couldnt remember which year it was.. Anyway, we were happily singing in the karaoke lounge & daddy ordered beer.. But my younger sis wanted to be a super woman.. Wanted to try the beer.. So, dad decided to let her experience it with STRAW... hahaha.. After a few sip, she was off sleeping like a baby & caught herself with fever..
This time, she is much older then..I dint know that she was drinking a can of beer... So, she decided to down the entire can due to quench her thirst... After that, she was pactically awake.. Then we went to bed around 2 something.. she had a good night sleep till the next day..she was out till 2pm in the noon.. Just imagined that.. i woke her up because i had to go out with a friend of mine for lunch.. When i woke her up, her eyes was still off... Then, she told me she had a can of beer last night.. I was like bahahahahhahaha.. Couldnt help it..but laughed at her.. due to the her silliness..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Happy Occasion
To my fans, if i had any...heheh.. i'm sorry for being M.I.A for quite sometime... Well, i wouldnt says that i'm pretty uptight with schedules, but a little lazy... Furthermore, tonnes of surprises had occured to me lately... Anyway, Surprises!!! Hmm.. Definitely a good one.. Of course, there's ups & downs in life...
So, Let's talked about the SURPRISES... Ok...First of all, throughout September, Mabel came over to stayed with me over the weekend.. This is the only month that we spent the most time together.. Hhaha... But, we are definitely straight k.. We do love guys.. She is like my sis, good friend, buddy or whatsoever you called it.. We are that close but aint lesbo.. Hehehe.. That's gonna be my 1st surprise...
As for the 2nd surpise, it's something got to do with personal life... hehe.. Finally, after long await... He managed to post some of his gf's pic on facebook.. Frankly speaking, it's only my curiorsity to know or see how hawt is his gf is... Since he mentioned his gf is pretty hottie.. Furthermore, i lost the battle.. So, the urge of me seeing her is quite high.. After seeing her pic, i was like...OK... At least, i walked away as a WINNER...hehe... It's not my lost anyway..
Well, 3rd surprise just happened recently... Attended my cousin wedding yesterday.. Something, that i dint expect... Something different.. The crowd & atmosphere... But, i had a good time.. Definitely... I was dragged up to stage by my cousin bro... to dance... haha.. Then my dad just dragged me up.. & yes, i danced with my dad in front of 5oo people...... What a huge crowd?? Omg.. i just couldnt believe what i did.. After the dance, here comes the comments.. Omg.. you can dance... or moves.. My aunt asked me... Wow, you are able to cha cha as well...Did you learned those moves from KL????? Hehehe... Now, everyone has that neagtive perception about living in kl... Sigh...
As i feel, you could control the way you want too.. Because everything is within ur limit.. So, living in KL gave me a better exposure.. At least, i'm able to talk & handle the crowd better compare to my younger days.. The most important, CONFIDENCE.. You must not lost that... It's the only thing that keep you going or fighting..
Anyway, here it goes.. Will post more posting in later days.. Adieus ppl..
So, Let's talked about the SURPRISES... Ok...First of all, throughout September, Mabel came over to stayed with me over the weekend.. This is the only month that we spent the most time together.. Hhaha... But, we are definitely straight k.. We do love guys.. She is like my sis, good friend, buddy or whatsoever you called it.. We are that close but aint lesbo.. Hehehe.. That's gonna be my 1st surprise...
As for the 2nd surpise, it's something got to do with personal life... hehe.. Finally, after long await... He managed to post some of his gf's pic on facebook.. Frankly speaking, it's only my curiorsity to know or see how hawt is his gf is... Since he mentioned his gf is pretty hottie.. Furthermore, i lost the battle.. So, the urge of me seeing her is quite high.. After seeing her pic, i was like...OK... At least, i walked away as a WINNER...hehe... It's not my lost anyway..
Well, 3rd surprise just happened recently... Attended my cousin wedding yesterday.. Something, that i dint expect... Something different.. The crowd & atmosphere... But, i had a good time.. Definitely... I was dragged up to stage by my cousin bro... to dance... haha.. Then my dad just dragged me up.. & yes, i danced with my dad in front of 5oo people...... What a huge crowd?? Omg.. i just couldnt believe what i did.. After the dance, here comes the comments.. Omg.. you can dance... or moves.. My aunt asked me... Wow, you are able to cha cha as well...Did you learned those moves from KL????? Hehehe... Now, everyone has that neagtive perception about living in kl... Sigh...
As i feel, you could control the way you want too.. Because everything is within ur limit.. So, living in KL gave me a better exposure.. At least, i'm able to talk & handle the crowd better compare to my younger days.. The most important, CONFIDENCE.. You must not lost that... It's the only thing that keep you going or fighting..
Anyway, here it goes.. Will post more posting in later days.. Adieus ppl..
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It's better to forgive than to hold grudges..
Recently, i just realized that it is actually quite true... about forgiving a person rather than holding grudges towards him or her.. It has been 3 months ever since we last contacted.. If you have followed the posting, you will probably realized that i have face a certain issue in relationship area... In order for me to forget, i tried numerous way, like hating him to the max, thinking of what he have done & stuff.. But up to my expectation, the memories of him just wont fade.
It's stuck in my mind... I tried to stay cool by telling myself that i'm soo over him.. for 3 conservative times.. At the end of the day, i failed.. I was back to square one.. Finally, i gave up & told myself that i wont deny the fact that i still miss him.. However, i would let it pass slowly..
Yesterday seems to be a furious day for me.. I was just browsing my facebook.. All of sudden, something caught my attention, it was him posting his status that he was feeling down & stuff like that.. I dont know why, at that particular moment, my heart was melting & i want to be there to listen to him.. So, i commented & he replied.. Then, i msged & called him.. However, he dint picked up.. so, i thought.. well, i have done my part.. So, i dint bother calling again.. After a few minutes later, he called...
Well, we spoke about tonnes of stuff..Regarding the issues that kept him upset & stuff.. It was an hour long conversation.. When i was talking, i felt that it turn out well & better than what i expected it to be.. Was thinking to myself... No point holding grudges because issue like this is totally unpredictable.. We cant do much but to accept our destiny.. so, it ended pretty well.. At least, we are keeping in touch as for now.. Who knows????? i might MIA again according to him.. LOL..
Holding grudges against someone is pretty stress up & tiring.. Since i have tonnes of issues to worry on, i do not wish to have another stressful moment.. so, i rather choose to forgive what he have done than to still hate him.. anyway, he apologized.. =)
Monday, September 7, 2009
What a day????????
Was pretty happy & excited when i woke up this morning.. Well, it's sis birthday.. was suppose to celebrate her birthday with her before she get her arse back to pg.. However, due to some idiot fella, i dint managed to have a proper lunch with her.. nor had any brunch..
Went to her bf's place at 12something nearly 1pm.. Was suppose to go to 1U for some shopping.. & me buying some grocery... The plans went thrashed when my dad gave me a call.. It seems that his friend was sooo eager to have his vehicle back.. Well, it's not like i dint want to return your vehicle.. my vehicle is still stuck in the workshop...what do you expect me to do???? Stupid old man..
After that call, i had to go home just to washed his car & pump full tank for him.. due to the reason of using his vehicle for a week.. Thank god, sis passed me some of her cupcakes... I took that to hold my hunger... Once i cleaned up the vehicle, sent it over to his daughter's place... Darn.. he look effing cunning by showing that stupid smile.. I had to drive him too... stupid... Why can't you drive since you want your vehicle back...
Because of him, i couldnt even get a chance to tell or send my sis off to airport.. Darn old man..
Sometimes, i dont get it.. I dont wish to borrow people's stuff.. that's not my style of doing things.. PROVIDED i'm out of it.. People, please do tell me... Which people would love to borrow stuff from their friends when they have theirs????
I have told you that it will only be ready by this week.. If i dint informed you, then yes.. i'm abit too much.. because i have borrowed your stuff for almost a week... I'm just sick of your two faces.. God damnit, Can you please dont be soo fake????? Be yourself, please old man... What's the point of being soo supportive in front of my parents, when you dint intended to help??????? I did not asked for your help.. You are the one who intended to lend your hand first.. But now, you are rushing me.. WTF?????? How am i suppose to give you back when i'm out of it... Sigh.. Freaking inconsiderate.. Whatever.. Thank god, i have given you back your damn stuff... The next time, IF my car or whatsoever is broke down, trust me.. i will not asked for your help.. Hell NO..This is gonna be the first & last time... If you want to be a cunning fella in front of my parents, i can be as cunning as you are.. Well, i'm capable of doing that... jackarse..
Darn... I cant wait for my effing stuff to be back.. Stupid @#$%^!@#$%... Pretender, fakers, cunning old man..
Friday, September 4, 2009
Drama week..
It has been quite an in tense week for me..
Car stalling at the middle of the journey back to KL... Plus, driving like a super mad women in order to rush mum to airport... dealing with household issue & stuff.. being someone's reminder... due to the reason couldnt bear her from losing the marks.. Sigh..
There's more.. But then, no point contemplating over it.. Since, it's over.. In order to describe my 1st week back to KL after Malaysian Indepence Day Holiday, it is Hectic.. It's like rushing to meet datelines for assignments.. That's about it...
The sad part would be mum left KL yesterday.. Well, this entire 4 days experience staying with her was pretty good.. It made me realized alot of things... After sending her back, i felt my bed is pretty empty... as she slept with me.. But the good thing was, Mabel came over to stay with me over the weekend..Probably just a night.. Sigh, her parents will pick her up later... sigh.. & there she goes.. arse being towed back to sban.. LOL.. So, i will sleep alone from today onwards.. Not that i'm not used too.. But the company that was provided by them made me miss them even more...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Princess Treatment by mummy......
(p/s: dont bother look at my sleepy eye)
Sometimes, it's good to stayed away from home.. Well, 1st of all, less arguments as you dont have to see each other everyday.. 2nd, you will definitely be having a princess or prince treatment when you are home once in a while... Hahaha... That's pretty true.. Well, human being will definitely not satiated with what they have... Once that item went missing, they will tend to feel, why didnt i appreciate it when that thing is around.. So, that's life people... We tend to take things for granted.. including me..
Being home for this week was practically the best comfort i enjoyed.. Not that, i dont enjoy the comfort they gave when i was small.. But, i do realized that home is always the best thing that land on me... especially, being pampered by mummy to the max... Weeeeeeeeeee....
Mummy's treatment was hair spa, home cook mushroom soup & essence of chicken soup.. Yum... That was the best treat i have ever received in a day... Well, lodge complain to mummy that i dont get to enjoy her mushroom soup when i'm in KL... As she tend to cooked it when i'm not around.. So, complain complain.. till she was like...Ok, when you are home, i will cook it..... Finally, she made her promise... Weeeeeeeee....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Home is always the best...
Last Monday, dad came down to kl just to accompany me back to penang since Malaysia independence day falls on next monday, which mean.. It is a public holiday... I should be happy when he is down with me... But then, i'm pretty scare that he will just feed me with tonnes of food... which might add up to the current weight of mine..
However, to my surprise... Dad seems to be taking care of his weight as well.. Tee hee.. due to the recent medical check up he had.. According to him, the medical check up's results was pretty bad. If he dint look after his food consumption, he might be landing on serious health issue.. So, we had fish & small portion of chicken for dinner.. I'm knew that i had to take rice.. Therefore, i dint eat anything other than a glass of milk & an apple for the entire day... So that, i wont be feeling guilty at the end of the day for consuming too much food..
Before he got himself landed in KL, i was told that my school had to close down for a week due to H1N1.. Sigh, it's getting from bad to worst.... Gosh, i hope our government did some precaution to it.. Once dad landed, i told him about it.. Finally, he suggested that we should go back the next day... I was like... Weeeeeeeeeeeee.... going home is always the greatest plan... Mummy pampering me with treats & treating me if i'm her princess...even though i'm one of her princess... lol...
So, dint want daddy to drive me back.. I drove all the way back to penang... as daddy is not young anymore... However, when he is taking his nap, i was speeding at 160km/per hour.. it's like an adrenaline rush which make me feel soo good... Anyway, he knew that i was speeding even though he was sleeping...
Shall be going back to KL on monday... Hopefully, there isnt any jam... =(
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Craving for Donutsss, anyone!!!
I had no idea that there's another Donut outlet in Msia, other than Big apple, Dunkin donuts & Jcos.. If i'm not mistaken, Mabel did post up on Krispy Kreme.. but then, i dint knew it was donut anyway.. Last week, Esther mentioned about Krispy Kreme.. Then only, i knew that there's another new brand of donuts in Msia. According to her, it was superb.. As i love to try out new food, i asked her whether is she interested in going to midvalley to checked out the donuts.. Then, she was like, ok.. let's go.. So, we went to Midvalley together with Joel to buy Krispy Kreme's donuts..
At the end of the day, i bought half a dozen of donuts home.. Tee Hee.. Always had a tendency of buying alot.. That explain my size anyway.. Lol.. After trying the donut, i dont really like it... It doesnt reach my expectation anyway.. I still prefer Jco's after all.. especially their strawberry donut... According to Mabel, she told me to try their original flavour donut, which i dint buy the other day.. Maybe, might be going back to Krispy Kreme outlet to tryout the original flavour donut.. Here's a few pic of donuts that i bought..
My favourite... Cappucino flavour...
Long & splendid chat... =)
It's been a while now... Since the last i had the longest & fruitful chat with Mabel... my chi muis... Man, I miss her tonnes... Ever since her arse got landed on sban, we dint really spend much time chatting compare to the last time she was in Bukit Jalil.. I thought that Msn would be the only source to stay in touch, but well, her future occupation requires most of her time.. The longest chats that we had when she was in Sban were how are you?? & other fine lines... Then she is off to her research, reports and so forth.. It doesnt requires you to scroll down in order to realized how short was our conversation... She was that busy.. Well, i wouldnt blame her for that.. As i understand her situation..
Currently, she is having her 3 weeks break.. O.M.G... We managed to hog on the phone for almost an hour.. After that conversation, i was like... Gosh, it's ages since we last did that.. Then, we continued with msn... Hhahaha.. This time, our chat room requires us to scroll up, just in case we missed anything.. LOL... I told her that i need to save the chat room as a remembrance... she chuckle.... hehhe.. I wonder to myself... When will i ever see her??? Anyway, i will definitely make a trip down to sban when i'm free...
P/s: i miss those crazy moments we did together..
Currently, she is having her 3 weeks break.. O.M.G... We managed to hog on the phone for almost an hour.. After that conversation, i was like... Gosh, it's ages since we last did that.. Then, we continued with msn... Hhahaha.. This time, our chat room requires us to scroll up, just in case we missed anything.. LOL... I told her that i need to save the chat room as a remembrance... she chuckle.... hehhe.. I wonder to myself... When will i ever see her??? Anyway, i will definitely make a trip down to sban when i'm free...
P/s: i miss those crazy moments we did together..
Cupcakes.. =)
Well, I have been introduced to wondermilk by my friends that serve cupcakes.. According to them, they served the best cupcakes.. For almost a year, been searching for the shop, but, couldnt find it.. Anyway, 2 weeks ago, had lunch with Willie.... As he helped me to get some of my stuff that i forget.. tee hee.. which mum always nag me for being a forgetful person.. So, went over to his office during lunch.. He asked me, What do you want to eat for lunch?? Then, i told him that i was pretty full after i had karipap & some other light food as breakfast..
After hearing that, he suggested, Sandwich????? I was like... ok... since i'm watching my weight anyway.. He showed me the way to the shop.. When i went in to the shop, i saw cupcakes & a sign of WM.. Then i was like... eh, why got cupcakes.. Then he told me... this is the wondermilk that's famous for the cupcakes... then i was like... omg... it's sooo near to your office, yet i couldnt locate the damn shop.. He chuckled when he saw my reaction..
Anyway, had some sandwich which i forget to snap.. The cupcakes was soo soo.. Nothing to shout about, but would love to give credit on the deco of the shop as well as the cupcakes... It was nicely design, as it gave me a comfy feeling.. as if it's a cafe rather than just a normal shop... Here's the design of the shop..

After hearing that, he suggested, Sandwich????? I was like... ok... since i'm watching my weight anyway.. He showed me the way to the shop.. When i went in to the shop, i saw cupcakes & a sign of WM.. Then i was like... eh, why got cupcakes.. Then he told me... this is the wondermilk that's famous for the cupcakes... then i was like... omg... it's sooo near to your office, yet i couldnt locate the damn shop.. He chuckled when he saw my reaction..
Anyway, had some sandwich which i forget to snap.. The cupcakes was soo soo.. Nothing to shout about, but would love to give credit on the deco of the shop as well as the cupcakes... It was nicely design, as it gave me a comfy feeling.. as if it's a cafe rather than just a normal shop... Here's the design of the shop..
But the sandwich were good... wouldnt mind going back to chill with friends... with the cozy environment.. This time, i know where's the place.. tee hee..
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Splurging Mood.. =)
Gosh... I dint knew that i'm such a big spender.. spent almost RM300 in 2 days.. Shoot.. That's like what... the total amount of money that i will spend for food in 2-3 weeks.. But, it's 2 days... That's crazy.. Sob Sob... What happened to me lately?? I wasn't like this last time... Sigh...
Probably, i haven't been spending much... tee hee.. trying to make myself feel better after shopping.. I dint buy much... I think it's a necessity rather than a waste tho.. Lingerie, dress & accessories... That's pretty much what i have bought for myself in that particular 2 days... Wanted to splurge on shoes as well, but then.... it's not worth the price..
As i'm out of heels at the moment.. Went to Vincci for shoe shopping.. i love one of the heels there... but then, it's new arrival which is around RM70.. then, i was thinking to myself.. Hmm, I have bought quite a number of expensive stuff already... shouldn't i let those shoes of my list... lol... I told myself ok.. will see what Nose could provide me then.. Darn.. Was searching for the Nose outlet for almost 10 to 15min of my quality time.. i couldnt locate the outlet... Sigh... Then, needed to buy some lingerie too.. so, went to Xixili...
Even Xixili, I couldnt locate the outlets as well... After a good 15min of walks, i was about to give up & just go home... Suddenly, Xixili's outlet just pops in front of me... sigh.. was it a good sign for it to pop in front of me... If i dint managed to locate the outlet, then i wouldnt have spend Rm250 in less than half an hr... Sigh... After purchasing that, i felt like a whole pile of receipts are splatter towards my face... I felt like i'm like Rebecca Bloomwood which is the main actress in the movie of Confession of Shopaholic.. sigh...
Main intention of shopping was to buy some groceries as i'm out of that... Having to think of place to eat, it's pretty devastating as it eats up my brain too.. lol.. Would love to cook at home..Not that i'm a superb chef.. but a simple dish that i think it's healthy to me... at least, it's edible tho...heheh =)
At the end of the shopping spree, i totally let the Vincci New Arrival shoe & grocery disappear from my mind.. I think it's not must anyway.. As for grocery, decided to go to the market rather than Jusco.. lol..
Had an awesome weekend... (last week)
Guys... I'm sorry for the MIA... Been pretty emo lately... Dint feel like posting anything... probably, it's the homesick that kicks in... Ok... Regarding the Saturday Night Fever, I had pretty share of fun with old friends as well as new friends.. It was Alex's farewell as well as Chuan Chun's graduation party.... Met a couple of great friends, especially Linda... Such a sweet young lady... Due to the large group we had for that night, I dont really had that much fun compare to the previous week... Anyway. the crowd is still great...
However, I could say that i drank quite a share of alcohol that night... Gone... But, thank god that i wasn't drunk... I was tipsy... haha... still able to drive... Did crazy stuff too... which i hvn't tried before... which is drinking nid... gosh... downing liquor like i was soooo freaking thirsty... By the end of the night, i'm pretty happy with myself... at least i can still walked back to my car in a straight
For those who know me, you guys can check the pics out in my facebook account.... As for those, who just happens to view my blog.. Well, here's are some of the limelight of the night... =)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Monday Blues........
Why am i facing with this feeling all the time????????
I thought i will be fine...
After all, staying in KL for almost 2 years by now..
It should be fine with being alone..
I felt emo when i woke up this morning....
I missed those voices....
Wished i could be there right now...
It's annoying at times..
But, i felt contented..
I thought i will be fine...
After all, staying in KL for almost 2 years by now..
It should be fine with being alone..
I felt emo when i woke up this morning....
I missed those voices....
Wished i could be there right now...
It's annoying at times..
But, i felt contented..
A blast weekend.........


(everyone in this pic orginates from taiping except jeffery)
Drinking session...
Me & Rach the babe...
Last weekend was a blast one... Spent some quality time with great friends who orginated from Taiping.. Anyway, i would rate the saturday night as the bachelor night & dramatic night... for that particular moment. Hahaha...
Went to Maison baby... Heritage row... woots woots.. my first time to heritage row.. sound pathetic, right... Anyway, told rach babe that i have to visit one of the club in heritage row before i'm done with degree life anyway.. Practically, it was one hell crazy night i had.. Gosh, did something that i have never dreamt or thought before.. Dancing on the runway.. WTH?????? That was crazy... i wonder what was wrong with me at that particular moment.. Anyway, it's gonna be my first & last..doing this crazy move on runway.. hahaha... furthermore, i'm there just to have fun...hehehe..
After clubbing, we went for supper... Guess what??? I made an illegal turning & cops were behind us.. OMG... i freaked out... & my friends were like...just drive off... Shit man.. It was a tense moment for me.. I was literally panic & scared... At the end... went to a different shop for supper... due to the cops.. Once we are done, rach babe, joel & the rest doesn't feel like calling it a night.. Since it was saturday.. they felt that the night is still young.. Literally, they went to ming thien for another drinking session.. I din't tag along as i had to sent Kahwei & CC back to arena.. Thank god because of them.. If not, they would have dragged me to Ming Thien anyway..
Oh btw, meet another guy who have the same surname as me.. LOL.. By the surname of chee are quite limited actually.. dint realized till i checked his facebook.. Hahaha..
Went to Maison baby... Heritage row... woots woots.. my first time to heritage row.. sound pathetic, right... Anyway, told rach babe that i have to visit one of the club in heritage row before i'm done with degree life anyway.. Practically, it was one hell crazy night i had.. Gosh, did something that i have never dreamt or thought before.. Dancing on the runway.. WTH?????? That was crazy... i wonder what was wrong with me at that particular moment.. Anyway, it's gonna be my first & last..doing this crazy move on runway.. hahaha... furthermore, i'm there just to have fun...hehehe..
After clubbing, we went for supper... Guess what??? I made an illegal turning & cops were behind us.. OMG... i freaked out... & my friends were like...just drive off... Shit man.. It was a tense moment for me.. I was literally panic & scared... At the end... went to a different shop for supper... due to the cops.. Once we are done, rach babe, joel & the rest doesn't feel like calling it a night.. Since it was saturday.. they felt that the night is still young.. Literally, they went to ming thien for another drinking session.. I din't tag along as i had to sent Kahwei & CC back to arena.. Thank god because of them.. If not, they would have dragged me to Ming Thien anyway..
Oh btw, meet another guy who have the same surname as me.. LOL.. By the surname of chee are quite limited actually.. dint realized till i checked his facebook.. Hahaha..
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